1883 Blueberry Creation Fruits - 1883 Maison Routin
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1883 Blueberry Creation Fruits

CRÉATION FRUITS® 1883 Blueberry is an invitation to rediscover all of this little fruit’s aromatic authenticity.
Our recipe captures the essence of its highly distinctive fragrance: a gently sweet and intensely fruity taste, including slightly musky and woody notes from the forest.
The dominant dark-red hue and flavours of our CRÉATION FRUITS® 1883 Blueberry and its enveloping texture open the door to every indulgent fantasy elevating its refined flavour, at once deep and delicate.


Each note reveals a subtle balance between tart freshness and wild sweetness. A seriously intense taste, with sweet and acidic notes as well as musky, woody elements similar to blackcurrant buds. Its herbaceous and fruity notes, are underscoredby subtle touches of musk, and then become menthol.





