Salmon and vegetables shushi startups, reduction of soya and 1883 Caramel syrup - 1883 Maison Routin

Salmon and vegetables shushi startups, reduction of soya and 1883 Caramel syrup

A classic of Japanese cuisine with a caramelized touch.

Related products 1883 Caramel Syrup


    10cl 1883 Caramel syrup
    5cl wipe soya
    2 tbsp olive oil
    200g very fresh raw salmon
    Mix of vegetables of your choice (of season rather) like shoots of vegetables
    Salt / pepper


    Cut the salmon in identical pieces of 30g.
    Mix the soya and the caramel then take a brush and baste the pieces of salmon.
    Make the vinaigrette then season the shoots of vegetables.
    Plate up on the salmon on plate, then add the mix of shoots on top.


